Blepharitis General Information.
The onset of blepharitis can be minor, correcting itself without treatment within 2–4 weeks, but typically acts as an eye inflammation that can become very severe. The classifications of blepharitis include: seborrhoeic, staphylococcal, mixed, posterior or meibomitis, and parasitic.
The most common symptoms of blepharitis include:
- Redness
- Flaking of skin on the eyelids
- “Crusting” eyes
- Cysts on the eyelids
- Red eyes
- Irritation and itchiness
What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis (blef-uh-RI-tis) is an inflammation of the eye that mostly affects the eyelids: specifically the part of the eyelid where eyelashes grow.
Blepharitis occurs most often when small oil glands near the base of the eyelashes are inconsistent. This generally leads to inflamed and irritated eyelids. There are several diseases and conditions that can cause blepharitis, including acne, allergies, and infections of the lash base by Staphylococcal bacteria
Blepharitis can be difficult to treat, and can often be considered a chronic condition. Consistent eyelid hygiene is necessary to treat blepharitis and help minimise its recurrence.
Blepharitis Video Information.
- Anatomy of the Eye
- Blepharitis
- Chalazion
- Dry Eyes
- Fluorescein Angiography
- Presbyopia
- Pterygium
- Retinal Vein Occlusions
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Suite 300 - 1343 Lonsdale AvenueNorth Vancouver, BC V7M 2H7